

For the past few years, I’ve been using this website as a portfolio and blog of the experience I gained throughout college.

Now I am a college graduate with an amazing contract position! I hope to be hired on full time for this company, but regardless I am excited about the experience I am gaining.

That being said, I’m not sure how often I will be updating this page. If I get any better at digital art, then I may turn this page into a portfolio of those designs – but that’s a big if!

However I do plan on keeping this page around, as an archive of sorts. I love looking back at all of the posts as all are special memories for me!

Thank you for taking the time to visit my page, whether it’s your first time visiting or you’ve been a loyal follower!

If you want to reach out to me for any reason, please email me at cleopatracollier@gmail.com or you can still use the Contact form on this site!