Assignment, EMC 3060

Amazon – the Prime online shopping center

amazon-com-logo-svg In my opinion, Amazon is the best online shopping center on the web. It is easy to use and feels safe to shop on as it allows for users to thoroughly research each product that they offer.

• Site Organization

Neatly Done

Each of Amazon’s pages are neatly organized and the organization can be customized by the user. The site makes it very easy for the user to filter its products as well. Filter the products Amazon offers to fit the desired price range or even color/size preferences.

 • Navigation

Simple and Easy

It is easy to navigate Amazon due to its simple layout. With having its search bar at the top of the page, it’s easy for the user navigate through to get to where they want to go. The app is just as easy to navigate as the browser site. The simple yet wholesome quality of the site can be proved by how quick and easy it is to shop via Amazon. It is a hassle-less task to find any item they offer and to even track the package after ordering.

 • Page Layout


The Search Bar is the most prominent, as they are aware that the user usually knows what they are looking for – and it would be impossible for them to show all of their products on their site all at once. When on the homepage, there are sales and deals of featured products displayed beneath the search bar – this could be for visitors of the site who aren’t looking for anything in particular or to catch the eyes of anyone visiting the site and tempting them to take up their offer along with the product they initially intended to purchase.

 • Consistency

Constant Consistency

No matter what product a user is searching for, the products come up on the page in the same concise manner. Products that relate most to what the user searched for and that share the same keywords, are the products that come up at the top of the page.

The checkout process is also consistent. Once a user is ready to check out, they go to their cart to do so. Then the site becomes a form for the user to fill out, which asks for the address the user wants their item shipped to and then for the method of payment.

For frequent Amazon shoppers with an account, Amazon will save their preferred shipping and payment info so the user doesn’t have to re-type it in each time. The same frequent shopper will also be given the option to do a “One Click” checkout where the user doesn’t even have to leave the page of the product they want when they are ready to purchase it – instead an option appears on each product’s page to checkout with this option, which simply has the item shipped to the most frequently used address and paid for with the most used payment method. The settings of the “One Click” can be customized.

 • Writing Quality

 ◦ List Form

Amazon doesn’t have very much random text on its site, it uses very precise wording to help the user find what they are looking for – whether it be the product or information about the product.

 • Tone and Voice

 ◦ Subtle and Coercive

 ◦ The People Talk

 ◦ Customer Service

Although Amazon itself keeps quiet, the products speak for them. The pictures of the products tend to be top quality images that can be zoomed into and even have multiple photos that show different angles on some.

After an item has been added into a customer’s cart, Amazon has a box appear that says “Frequently Bought Together” with the photos standing out more than the text, which may make customers tempted to look at the item and possibly add that item to their cart as well.

More than the voice of Amazon is the voice of the users – Amazon allows for buyers to review an item they have purchased from the site, which is very helpful for any users when considering a product.

Having dealt with their Customer Service personally, I can testify that it is a pleasant experience. While Amazon has a phone number and email that can be used to contact them, the site also offers an online chat that can be used from the website while browsing for any immediate questions. A worker is quick to connect to the user and has a very friendly tone throughout the process. They are quick to answer any question or fix any problem a user may have, and a transcript of the chat conversation is emailed to the user afterwards for future reference.

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