Assignment, EMC 3060

The Buzz On BuzzFeed

Anyone active on social media has probably read an article or took a quiz that was created by BuzzFeed, their content is inspired by the trending topics going around on social media platforms.

was created in 2006.

Audience Profile: 

While BuzzFeed is mostly associated with quirky quizzes and overkill coverage of The Kardashians, BuzzFeed does so much more than the silly content it’s known for. BuzzFeed also covers hard news and recipes – both of which are quite popular on Facebook.

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The main BuzzFeed account displays their wide variety of content, but BuzzFeed also has “sub-accounts” on most of their platforms, for people who are only interested in a certain kind of topic from their large variety.

BuzzFeed is very diverse and tries to cater to all different kinds of people and their interests, so their audience too is a very large and diverse number of social media users.

Purpose of Publication and Frequency of Publication

“Our news and entertainment divisions serve a next generation, highly engaged audience that consumes video and content across platforms, on mobile, and has an expectation that media will be relevant and connected to their lives, easily shareable, and globally accessible.” – A segment of’s About section

That grab from BuzzFeed’s website to me sums up their purpose. To connect people together over shared news, BuzzFeed serves as the missing link in connecting people of similar interests in a way. Unlike many other news sites, BuzzFeed gets its content directly from the people in a way, as they look at what is trending on the web, whether it be a funny video or a political cause. Just like other news outlets, BuzzFeed also tries to keep up to date on Breaking News and will post on their platforms around the clock, they also will “live tweet” and post about events as they are going on on their accounts.

List of Competition

Any news source from TV that uses social media to share their stories as well is what I would consider to be BuzzFeed’s competition, especially for the audience of older people. BuzzFeed comes off as unprofessional to some older web users, as the site uses internet slang and memes to share news instead of the standard way of writing articles. However, I believe the many younger “millennial” users alone probably keep BuzzFeed ahead of its other social media contenders.

Anyone who has created an account on or the app can give their opinion on articles using these badges

Style Issues

I like many things about the style of BuzzFeed already. While the main BuzzFeed accounts on each social media platform may come off as cluttered because of all of the large variety of topics they cover, their “sub-accounts” make up for that in my opinion.

Information Challenges and My Response to the Information Changes

Honestly I like the way their information is covered and shared as well. Being all over social media it is easy for their content to get around quickly.

I do, however, think it would be cool if Buzzfeed had a TV channel. By having one, they could probably reach out to older people more, who prefer TV over social media. Buzzfeed already makes a lot of different kinds of videos where they will review different products and show “How To’s” for crafts and recipes, they even make their own little mini series’s that vary from historical to fictional content – so why not have a TV channel like many of their competitors also have?

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